mandag 23. februar 2015

About that weekly schedule

Have a summary of last week, just for the fuck of it:

Okay, the week started off rather good. I got out of bed an hour later than planned, yet two hours earlier than usual, so I was satisfied. Managed to wake up rather fast, too, after I had my morning coffee, which was even more satisfying, and adding the fact that I hardly had any pain at all, that Monday morning was just a blissful heaven with an angelic choir in the background.
Totes awesome~

Also, I decided rather quickly that I need to take my coloured weekdays to a new level.

Uhm, what?

Well, you see, I tend to assign colours to absolutely everything. I colour code my rooms, I associate feelings and things with various colours, all the months have different colours assigned to them, and, among many other colour coded things, all the weekdays have colours as well (apparently, this is an actual condition, named Synesthesia). And as I was getting out some fresh jammies for when I got out of the shower that monday morning, I decided that I need to buy more jammies in different colours, cause I want to wear a different set every day. One that matches the colour of the day. Isn't that just the best idea ever!? It totally is~

Then I had a spur of the moment idea, and decided to shower my cat. She's been sneezing a lot lately. and inbetween my worrying about her having the cold or allergies (can cats even have that?), it popped into mind that her fur has been rather dusty lately. I think she's been partying with the dust bunnies that are invading my apartment... So, yeah, a quick rinse sounded like a good idea. And it was horrible - for her. My cat doesn't get angry when I shower her, actually. She gets terrified, and she clings to me, shivering, as if begging me to save her from the evil water, which is heartbreakingly adorable. But now she's showered, and I plan on tidying up the place and cleaning it this week, so we'll see if that doesn't stop her sneezing.

Also, I started on planning that weekly schedule of mine, and finished Blue Monday~

9:00-ish ~ Get out of bed, and get some god damned coffee.
I really, really need to try and stick to getting up at one set time, to program my inner clock.
10:00 AM ~ Breakfast.
I suck at remembering about breakfast, so I need to add that to the schedule.
Between 10:00 and 11:00 ~ Take a shower.
Because Monday is a shower day (and yes, I do have set shower days).
Between 11:00 and Noon ~ Make the Battle Plan for the week ahead.
Important! Gotta mentally prepare myself for what's planned for the week.
Noon ~ Head out for a walk.
I need to move around more, and actually get some fresh air AT LEAST once a week.
Between 13:00 and 17:00 PM ~ GaiaOnline work.
Yes, GaiaOnline. I manage two guilds, and a request thread, on top of being in various roleplays here and there, so I really need to set aside a lot of time to focus on all that.
17:00-ish ~ Dinner!
Cause I suck at remembering to eat dinner as well.
17:00-ish to 20:00/21:00-ish ~ Second Saturday with Candy
Because gaming and geeking is fun~
22:00 PM ~ Time to finish whatever I'm doing and do the evening routines.
23:00 PM ~ Turn off everything and get ready for bed.

So far, that looks like a decent schedule for my Mondays.

Night to Tuesday, I dreamt a full episode of Supernatural (I'm not even joking - an entire episode), along with some other ghostly haunted dreams. I am starting to think I should tackle the fact that my apartment isn't as empty as it should be. I have guests here. Le sigh~

BroSis Tuesday got canceled due to a family dinner, but that's okay, cause I had other plans for the day anyway. Spent the beginning of the day going back and forth between working and taking care of stuff in the apartment, and then only had a minor mental meltdown with lots of frustration - pro-tip; don't punch concrete walls - before a family dinner. Dinner was nice, though it didn't help on my meltdown, so the rest of the evening at home was mainly spent doodling and watching some stuff on Youtube in an attempt to keep myself together. Had a minor visit from one of my other selves - Ahsk - whom is a guy, which did some genderbending on me, and was also the only thing keeping me sane enough to actually participate in the family dinner, before he took off again.

It was a hell day. On the upside, I finished the schedule part for Yellow Tuesday~

9:00-ish ~ Get out of bed.
10:00 ~ Breakfast
11:00 - 14:00 ~ Work (whichever type I feel up for)
14:00 ~ BroSis Tuesday!
20:00 - 22:00 Relaxing and gaming on my own.
22:00 ~ Finish the game and do the evening routines.
23:00 ~ Turn off everything and get ready for bed.

And then Wednesday came, after a rather bad night. My cat still isn't doing too well, and I'm worried, and when I get worried, I sleep so fucking light that even the slightest noise wakes me up. So every time she sneezed, I woke up in full panic mode. Yay.

This caused a nice mix of anxiety and omgidon'twannaexisttoday that was constantly having a grip on me the entire day. Even more yay. Can't remember the last time I felt so paralyzed, and all I could think about was having someone else come and take over my life while I ran away, cause I just couldn't deal with anything. Literally, I couldn't figure out how to deal with anything at all that entire fucking day. Did some doodling, to try and distract myself, though that only helped for a short while, so I cleaned the toilet. And took out the trash. And folded clothes. And somewhere inbetween that insanity, Ahsk came to the rescue, and the rest of the day is a blur. I think he did some tidying up around the place, but I dunno.

At least I finished the schedule part for Turquoise Wednesday~

9:00-ish ~ Get out of bed.
10:00 ~ Breakfast.
10:00 - 11:00 ~ Shower.
12:00 ~ Open spot, might do some work, might go to town, who knows~
17:00-18:00-ish ~ Date Day with mum (and possibly dinner before that)
Gonna try and get home at around 22:00 so I can do the evening routines.
23:00 Turn off everything and head to bed.

Aaaaand, then Thursday came.


Omfg, Ahsk!!

I swear, I'm gonna kill him. He did just about everything he's not supposed to do that day! He went out in public - as himself! I only came to terms with my Dissociative Disorder - aka having other personalities - a couple of years ago, and I'm still working on fully accepting it and making people around me aware of it, and I literally just started wondering if I might be genderfluid - since one of my other personas is a guy - as in just earlier this week, and then that idiot comes along and actually tells one of my friends straight out that he's genderfluid, and she's not even aware of me having other personas! I just.. I can't even.

And he went to town. And stopped by my sister. Still being him! And, to top it off, he decided that since I had - emphasis on had - two bottles of champagne in the fridge, that he'd invite Candy - my ex girlfriend - to come drink with him.

I can't even.

But, if nothing else, at least he finished the schedule part for Purple Thursday~

9:00-ish ~ Get out of bed.
10:00 ~ Breakfast.
11:00 ~ Put on some laundry, and then sit down and relax for a bit.
12:00 and out ~ Purposedly left open. Can make plans that involves leaving the house, or might just spend the day working on whatever we feel like working on at the time.
17:00 ~ Dinner
18:00 ~ Entertainment time - either gaming or watching something.
22:00 ~ Time to finish whatever I'm doing and do the even routines.
23:00 ~ Turn off everything and head to bed.

Ahsk was still around on Friday - and not even hung over! It's weird, though, but he never gets hung over, no matter how drunk he gets. I get hung over by just sniffing a beer, and he can drink until he passes out and still be energetic and upbeat the day after. How's that even possible? No, really, how the fuck??

Also, it was supposed to be Flashback Friday (x2 since I had to cancel it last Friday), but do you think he sat down and did blogging? No. He did not. I'm not even sure what he was doing, cause, yeah, most of it is just a blur, but what I do know is that he completely rearranged all the things I had organized in the livingroom, and made a whole mess out of everything. And went grocery shopping - still as himself.

And he finished the schedule part for Green Friday~

9:00-ish ~ Get out of bed.
10:00 ~ Breakfast.
10:00 - 11:00 Shower ~
12:00 ~ Be ready for grocery shopping (whenever that happens)
Do some work while waiting to get picked up.
Do some more work when I get home, depending on when the shopping was.
18:00 ~ Dinner and relaxation time!
19:00 ~ Me time and gaming the rest of the evening!

The Saturday came, and Ahsk was still charge. And he went to town with mum, not even bothering to cover up the fact that he wasn't me. Mum catched on pretty quick, and Ahsk being the asshat he is, he told her straight out what was going on. I'd kill him, but... What he did there, it really showed me how much of an amazing mother I truly have. She fully accepted that he wasn't me, and kept asking questions about him, and even asked for his name so she knew what to call him.

I'm... I don't have words. I can never, ever, express how grateful I am for having such an amazingly loving, understanding, and accepting mother. She wins the mother of the year - no, mother of forever and always! - award, that's for sure.

And, I'm not entirely sure what else Ahsk did that day, cause most of it is a blur - as it usually is when any of the others are in charge - but I do know he continued rearranging stuff in my livingroom, which changed my entire Geek Display around the TV area, and bought a new DVD shelf to compliment the one a friend gave me, and filled it with things. Though... I'll admit that it looks a tiny bit better now. But just a tiny bit!

And then he made dinner before he just disappeared, and I was left sitting on my couch, with food in front of me, wondering what the fuck I was supposed to do with all the feels I was having forced upon me.

I cried a lot that evening.

There was a lot to process, cause Ahsk really did kick up a lot of dust all around me - and inside me - and then I found a half-started blog entry that was written as a letter for me, by him. Which made me cry even more.

I sort of kept together long enough to finish the schedule part for Red Saturday~

10:00-ish ~ Get out of bed.
11:00 ~ Breakfast.
11:00 - 12:00 ~ Get ready for a trip to town
12:00-ish ~ Town
17:00-ish ~ Dinner
Then relax and get ready for socializing
19:00-ish ~ Socializing time!
Yes, this is going to be hard to keep up, but I am going to try and keep Saturday as social days, and actually have more contact with people. Though, that being said, if I'm having a bad period, then I'll just stick to being social online instead of going out or inviting people over. Gotta respect my health - both mental and physical - that much I've learned.

I relaxed the rest of the Saturday, just doing some gaming and drinking wine, before I went to bed early. I was tired as fuck on Sunday, but got out of day and prepared for a day of relaxation. Which... Turned into a day of being completely absorbed with my work on GaiaOnline. 10 hours of work, to be exact, and my body wanted to kill me when I finally crawled to bed.

But it felt a bit good though, cause I'm starting to get my groove back, and hopefully this means that I'll be able to kick back open the RPs that I'm in right now so I can keep RPing with my awesome friends and their kickass characters.

Oh, and I finished the schedule part for Orange Sunday~

10:00 - 11:00-ish ~ Get out of bed.
12:00 ~ Breakfast.
And then total relaxation the entire day, with gaming or some other entertainment.
17:00-ish ~ Dinner (either here, or with the family)
Rest of the evening is even more relaxing, and recharging for the week ahead.
22:00 ~ Start doing the evening routines.
23:00 ~ Turn off everything and get ready for bed.

This is the schedule I'm gonna try to live by from now on. Of course, things happen, and I have to rearrange certain days every now and then, but for the most part I'll stick to this. At least for a couple of months, to see if this works for me. And if it does, then I'll keep living by it, and if it doesn't, then I'll tweak it some more until it works.

So, here we go~

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