It was a random remark a page I follow on facebook made, as they posted something about pictures of people, yet it was enough to tickle me in a bad way. It was meant in every positive way possible, I know, but I still can't help but take it negatively.
You're brave for posting pictures of yourself if you're a +size person.
What kind of bullshit is that?
Seriously, what kind of perception does people really have of certain things? Saying that you're brave for posting pictures of yourself when you're a +size is a fukken insult, if you ask me. It's basically saying that it's a very bad thing to be a +size, since you have to be brave just to show it. That is just bullshit! It's talking down on +sized people, is what it is. I know they mean well, the people that say it, but it's stupid. And what makes it even more stupid is that no one really realizes how insulting it really is.
If you really want to give a compliment, you can simply say they're perfect just for being who they are.
I know I always talk a lot about +sized people, mainly because I find it more attractive. I'm a teensy bit on the +side myself, in fact, and I'm extremely satisfied with that. I look good, and curvy. And we all love curves. But the truth is, I don't really care about size. It doesn't matter if you're +size or -size, cause beauty ain't measured in size. Sure, I'd rather not be a -size myself, but that's mainly cause I've been pretty skinny in the past, and trust me when I say that it did NOT look good on me. I look best when I've got mah curves on, as simple as that.
It just annoys me how the so called beauty ideal is something unreachable, both for women and for men, and most of the people smacked on the cover of magazines to portray that ideal beauty ain't even real. It's beauty created from, among other things, surgery, extreme dieting or workout, makeup, and even drugs, all just various ways of torturing yourself just to meet the ideals other people set. It's fake. And it's worthless. There's no way in hell I'd ever go through any of that just to be perceived as "perfect" by others. I got my pride. And I ain't living my life for none other than myself! I set my own ideal for beauty, and I meet that ideal every fukken day. I live up to my own expectations, and not whatever expectations others might have of me.
Now, I don't mean to talk down on people who truly find that public ideal beauty to be real beauty, cause, I mean, we all have different views and taste, and we're all entitled to our opinions. If that's beauty to you, then that's beauty to you! If you want to fight to become that kind of beautiful, then I say GO FOR IT! And don't stop until you reach that goal. Just, promise me that you don't hurt yourself in the process. It's just never worth it, you know, hurting yourself for the sake of something.
What I really want to make a point of is that there are so many different kinds of beauty. I know a lot of so-called +sized people whom are some of the most beautiful people I've ever seen! And also, I know some so-called -sized people (like, omg you wouldn't even believe it, kind of skinny) that looks absolutely perfect. I mean, put some meat on them and they'd lose that beauty. +size, -size, "average", curvy, skinny, fat, stick-figures... All sizes have their own beauty, but unfortunately not everyone sees that. All the people I know that I find beautiful always complains about their looks, and mainly their weight, and they completely miss the fact that they're so damn perfect just the way they are. If they just started loving themselves instead of trying to change themselves, they'd be a whole lot happier. Don't go chasing stupid ideals, cause you'll never be truly happy that way. True happiness comes from accepting yourself, loving yourself, and being proud of yourself, no matter what you look like. Not many people seem to see that.
It just makes me kind of sad. And it tickles me in that bad way.
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