lørdag 6. oktober 2012

Icon, Updates and Ramblings

OH HAI DER~ Come on in, sit down, and have some updates.

So, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I attended Icon, which is a convention held in Tel Aviv here in Israel, and I got to try out my first proper cosplay. Icon was bloody amazing~ I had such a brilliant time, and got to meet so many amazing people and make new friends, and 'm pretty sure my cosplay was a success. For you curious peeps out there that weren't at the con and want to see it, here you are:

Check my deviantArt to see the full-size version of that picture, thank you~

The day after the last con day, Friday, I woke up and realized that I am completely and utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally. Also, I woke up to a text from my biological father saying that he had put a rose down for me on my grandfather's grave, which reminded me that it was his funeral and I wasn't there to attend it. Kind of put a bit of a damper on my day, that. So, I decided to just take the rest of the day to myself and do nothing but work, and try to shut out the world a bit. I think I needed that. Would you believe me if I told you that the anti-social creature that is me has not had a single day to herself for 3 months now? I know, it's crazy. I'm so used to being alone all the time, so the fact that I've been surrounded by people almost 24-7 so long is just insane. Just for that alone, I'm looking forward to going home to Norway so I can retreat to my apartment and just relax for a while. Do some anti-social gaming nights and such and just have some me-time. It's a good plan.

But aside from that (and the fact that I miss my friends and family horribly much, since I haven't seen them in 2 months now), I have to say I'm really sad about leaving Israel. I really like it here, and I've met such awesome people that I've befriended, and the thought of leaving them all is heartbreaking. I honestly don't want to think about it, cause it's kind of depressing. ;_; But, hopefully I'll come back here and meet everyone again sometime in a not too distant future. Everyone wants me to come back next year, but I'll have to wait and see what happens. I got more traveling plans, along with some private plans, so I'm not sure if I have the time nor the money to come back to Israel as soon as next year. Maybe the year after that...?

So, what else can I say?

I don't know. My head is in a bit of a blur again, and I'm in a weird mood. And I keep getting that strange feeling of being called for, which is strange cause I haven't felt that in quite a while. Okay, yeah, time-out, sorry. For those new readers who don't know, I tend to hear, see and sense things that a lot of other people don't, and every now and then I "hear" things from.. I don't even know where. I just know that it's not here, in the physical realm as we know it. Most of the time I tend to just put it all on hold and focus on the world around me (cause I'm stupid like that), but every now and then I have periods where I can't block it out. And I guess I'm heading into one of those periods again, cause I swear I keep feeling like someone is calling for me. Maybe this is a good period to start doing card readings again? Hmm....

Art wise my muse kind of disappeared again. Not entirely out of my art block yet, but at least I've started working again on my own projects to make up for the lack of art making. I'm extremely active on GaiaOnline again, and my art request there is slowly starting to blossom. AND! I'm saving up to host another art contest there, so if you're a member then you should stalk me. I mean, look me up and make contact? Yeah, something like that. My name there is KeyJester, as it is on most places, so don't be afraid to say hi.

Aaaand.. Yeah. That's it for now, I suppose. So, as a closure to this entry, listen to this awesome song that I've had on repeat while writing this, and have a great day/night/whatever~

2 kommentarer:

  1. Gler meg til å sjå deg igjen! :-)

    (I spent half an hour on this tiny, tiny comment :-D Your comment-stuff-thingy wanted my Google account or something, but I refused to use it. I once had an OpenID-provider on my own site - which would let me log in here - but it doesn't work anymore because of very strict rules and security measures on my server. Sooooo, I started to hack my old code, trying to find a workaround... This is the most fun I've had in months!)

    1. SIMONSIMONSIMONSIMON! Gleder meg massemasse til å se deg også igjen! Har savna deg~ <3
