tirsdag 26. juli 2011

Strong opinions ahead - be warned!

I've had a turbulent time lately, that much must be said. A lot of ups and downs, and it's been tiresome and draining. But I'm still standing, believe it or not, and I'll keep standing no matter what.

Last week I travelled up north to pick up my ex as they discharged her from the clinic, and we spent a night in a hotel and just had a good time relaxing and going out. I think we both needed it, and we had the best time ever. And after that, we randomly decided to travel down south and spend a weekend in Trondheim together, on my bill, so we got back home and spent a couple of days there to pack and get ready before taking off again. It felt great, just randomly doing something crazy like that, without caring what others thought of it. So, even though last week was draining, and I had a lot of shit on my mind, it still was the greatest week ever. Spent in the greatest company ever.

But, all that aside, today I'm feeling out of it, and need to ventilate some things.
You've been warned.

Last Friday, on our train ride down to Trondheim, we learned that there had been a terror attack on Norway. My mum called me and told me, but she didn't know the details so all we knew was that some bomb had gone off and that people had been killed. Kind of shocking, I'll admit, and we were left speculating on what had happened. My ex, naturally, being one that pays attention to the world and its politics, had her opinions on what had happened and got a little heated. She's cute, when she starts ranting on about poilitics, so I just sat and listened to her. I know nothing, and have no real opinions, but it's always interesting to listen to her rantings. She's got strong opinions, and she's not afraid to share them.

When we arrived at the hotel, we turned on the news to find out what had happened, and a small shock hit us. It wasn't what we had thought at all. Yes, a bomb had gone off, people had been killed, but that became nothing compared to the massacre that had happaned just after the bomb. Innocent children, brutally shot and killed.

A horrible tragedy, that I agree with. We've been watching the news, keeping an eye on things, and stayed updated on the entire event. It's awful. And I can't even begin to imagine what it must've been for those who were there, who had to experience things first hand like that, nor what it must be like for the friends and family of those who lost their lives. I won't even try. Never in a million years will I be able to understand what it must be like to go through something like this. I feel sorry for them. This is an awful and horrible tragedy.

Then I log on to Facebook, and I feel physically sick. Everyone submits status updates that tell the world how awful this is for them, they change their profile pictures and put up Norwegian flags to show how proud they are of their country, they like endless pages that state how horrible this is and how much they hate the man behind it, and they promise to participate in the many events that don't do anything but demonstrate how "good" they are for caring. It makes me want to throw up.

Can you really say, with your hand on your heart, that this has had a deep and emotional impact on YOU personally? Were you there? Did you experience that hell? Do you know what it was like? No. And you never will. So why post it on FB, for the entire world to see? Is it just to show off? Cause that is exactly what it looks like. Yes, it was a horrible tragedy, and yes, I do agree that we should pay our respects and light a candle for the victims of this terror tragedy. But why do we have to flaunt it all over FB that we're doing it? And why put up the Norwegian flag all over the place, stating how proud we are of our country, when the reason behind the entire attack was that some idiot believes we should't mix different cultures? We're honouring HIS opinions by putting up that flag all over the place like this!

Even those who were right in the middle of it all have stated on FB that they don't want people to put up the flag everywhere and create hate pages for the man behind the attack. I understand them. We have NO RIGHT to say that we know the pain they're going through. Cause we don't. And claiming that we do, is straight out disrespectful.

I won't be disrespectful.

I feel sorry for the ones going through this, and I can easily close my eyes for a moment or two and send them warm thoughts and support. I hope the man behind this gets punished for his actions, and I do think that he is a horrible person. But I don't need to let the entire world know it. I don't need to join in on the countless events or groups to show everyone how good I am for caring. I don't need to join in on the hating of this man, giving him even more attention, just like he wants to. I don't need to announce to all my friends how "big my heart is" by putting up badges or flags or whatever else on my profile. And I certainly don't need to write in my status how disappointed I am with other people who don't do all this! If you really care, you don't have the need to flaunt it to the entire world. People who do just makes me sick.

My ex wrote a great answer to someone who commented on something she wrote on FB. She said that this event was a horrible one, but that she wouldn't put her life on hold because of it. She would rather honour the deceased by living her own life to the fullest. And I couldn't agree more.

My point? I don't really know. You can make your own idea of what the point of all my ranting is.

I guess all I really want to say is that all the people flaunting all over Facebook how much they care, as if they have a need to show all their friends how good they are, just makes me sick. But in the end, I won't stop them. Let people do whatever they want. If they feel that they need to flaunt their "caring heart" to everyone around them, then poor them.

Me? I'll continue onwards as usual, not letting something like this stop my life. I'll share my thoughts about this with the rest of the world this one time, in this entry, and that's that. The tears I might have and the heavy thoughts I carry will only be shared with the one person right here next to me who's holding my hand, cause that's all I need. And in truth, between me and her, words aren't really needed. We both know. We both care. And we don't need the entire world around us to know that.

But, these are my personal thoughts and feelings behind the matter. If they offend you, then I'm sorry, but there really isn't much I can do about that. I won't flaunt my opinions all over FB, cause I really have no need to shove my opinions in other people's faces, but this is my personal blog and if people don't like my personal opinions then they don't need to read my blog. As easy as that. Yes, I post the link to this blog so people can see it, but actually clicking that link and reading its content is entirely up to YOU. It is your choice.

Now I'm side-tracking, sorry. But you get my point, right?


So, let us now all go back to our regular lives, and live it as best we can.
And remember to never let anything or anyone stop or put our lives on hold.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Agree with you ^^, So absolutely agree with you ;)

  2. I also find it strange to see all these facebook profile pictures with the Norwegian flag badge popping up everywhere. It such a nationalistic thing to do, and nationalism is what made Breivik do what he did in the first place.

    It makes very little sense.
