onsdag 30. mai 2012

Get a life

Do you ever get that? If you're a gamer, or generally a geek of some sort that spend a lot of time doing things that aren't really considered to be normal, do people often tell you to get a life? I get that from time to time, and every time I go through a very long range of emotions.

At first it's anger, and I get so mad at people, wondering what the fuck their problem is, and how the fuck they dare compare me to them and what they consider to be a good life. I mean, seriously? So, just because I don't spend my time doing so-called "normal" things, I'm a zombie? I'm dead? I have no life? That's just stupid. Just because YOU don't consider gaming to be a good way to spend your time, doesn't automatically make me someone without a life because I play. I actually enjoy it. A lot. So shut the fuck up, and stop pestering me! My life ain't yours, so I get to live it however I want! I honestly want to punch people in the face at first, because they're being such ignorant idiotic fuckfaces, and they deserve a good punch.

Then I move on to some strange and hard to define kind of emotion, similar to frustration, where I just sit and shake my head while rolling my eyes, wondering how people can be so stupid. They make fun of me and look down on me because I do something they don't consider to be "important". As if they're better than me. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with them? It's not as if I do that to them. Have they even stopped to consider that they might actually be the ones in need of a life, and not me? I don't have their interests, so I don't want to live my life the way they do, and still I don't pester them about it. We all have different views on what is enjoyable and what is not, so looking down on and making fun of people not sharing your views makes you petty. I had enough of bullying back when I was in school, so if they're just gonna make fun of me then they can just shut up and leave me the fuck alone.

Thirdly I end up in pity, and I honestly pity them and their narrow minds. How sad their lives must be, when they participate in such a small part of what this world has to offer, and how sad it must be to be so ignorant of it all. It's sad how they can only see certain things as important enough to give you a good life, and ignore all the rest as trivial or silly. And it's sad how they can look down on others, thinking themselves better and happier, when in fact most of them aren't really that happy at all. Most of them just think they're happy. I just feel sorry for them. They live inside their own little box, thinking that the contents of that box is all you need to have a good life, and the moment they move out of that box or they lose one of the things inside it, they break down.
I just feel so sorry for people who don't have the imagination to submerge themselves in other - imaginary - worlds, cause the moment their "real" world isn't good enough, or cause them too much pain, they have nowhere else to go.

Lastly I settle down with pride, and I can't help but take pride in the life that I have, and how happy I am with it. I am a gamer, and I am proud of it. Thanks to my "lack of life" I have friends all over the world, and I'll always have someone to talk to no matter what time of the day it is. I also get to experience so much more, because my life consists of several worlds. I'm not restricted to the real world alone. I can go out, meet real people, have a cup of coffee or a beer, party and get drunk, and have fun, but I can also log on to any online site or game and more or less take over the world by fighting fiends and making friends that are on the other side of the planet. Hell, even when I play a single player game, like Final Fantasy, I get to experience a different world. It's like watching a movie, only that you play the main character and decide what it does and who it fights. How awesome is that? I have dozens of worlds I am a part of, and have a life within, so the moment one of those worlds or "lives" makes me feel bad, I can dive into another until I have the strength to deal with it.

I really do have the best of both worlds, in every possible way, and my life is fantastic because of that. I have a life, and a great one I wouldn't trade for anything in the world at that, so when people tell me to get a life I end up just laughing in the end. And I want to tell them "if you were me, you'd kill to have my life."
Don't assume I have no life just because I spend a lot of time gaming, and don't look down on me just because I don't have the same interests as you. That just makes you a small, small person. No matter what you do, as long as it's your choice to do it, you have a life. A good life. And people should always be respected for it and not made fun of just because they have different interests. What's important is that you're happy, and that you're happy because of the choices you've made yourself.

I am happy. Half of my life is within the real world, with real people I can meet whenever I want, while the other half of my life is within other "imaginary" and virtual worlds, where I can be whomever I want to be and do whatever I want to do. My life consists of so many exciting things, and people, and both my "real" life and my "virtual" life go hand in hand.

All I ever ask is that, even if you don't share my interests, or understand them, that you respect them, and me. Respect my choices. And be happy that I have the life I want to have. If you do that, I'll respect you and be happy for you in return. As simple as that.

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